Biography of the V.Mironenko

Artistic career of the artist Victor Mironenko ( born in 1941) is wholly connected with the city of Irkutsk, his motherland, where he was a student of the Art school (1960 – 1965), so Siberian topic naturally became the emphasis of his work.
His relative roots originates from the Western part of Russia. His father was born in Poltava and mother originated from the family of Polish peasants moved to the Far Eastern part of Russia (Amur Area).
The city of Irkutsk, historically to be the art center of Eastern Siberia, is a favorable field for many artists born in different parts of Russia. Powerful original Siberian nature, intricate history, destiny of people, great changes of last 10 years created serious concern about future and attract attention of the artist. Since he graduated from the art school his style was changing gradually, gaining in elegance and sophistication. He is involved in a direct dialogue with nature and he takes his themes and motives directly from life. There is always a link between his art and the Russian tradition, particularly in painting .
Within 30 years of his work Victor Moronenko passed different periods in topics, worked with different tense . During 1970 –1978 he was the Head of Irkutsk Art division of the Arts Fund of the Russian Federation. During that time he initiated and built Republican house of Folk Art at the Lake Baikal.
Famous Central Saloon shop “Artist”, creative shops for Siberian artists, improved the creative base of neighbor cities of Bratsk and Angarsk.
The first period of his work was dedicated to portrait painting. He worked under the supervision of famous artists Tetenkin and Bogdanov. This was successfully resulted in his portrait of Savinikh, (supervisor famous artist Vichugzhanin) and gave him the base for future development and recommendations to enter Moscow Art Institute named after Surikov, famous russian artist. But, family problems delayed it for 5 years, during that time he was teaching young artists in Irkutsk.
The interest to Decembrist’s movement (failed uprise of 1825 year against Russian Tzar) and their exile life in Siberia brought the artist to the creation of portraits of Volkonsky and Trubetskoi, they are located in their house-museums, and also a still life work “The spark will kindle a flame”, located in The Suvorov’s museum in S. Petersburg.
The second serious topic in the work of Victor Mironenko is nature of Siberia and great Siberian Lake Baikal. For last years it became the most important subject of his creation. He is concerned with fact that human activity destroys the environment of Siberia. Victor Mironenko takes an active part in exhibitions since 1973, he visited Moscow, S.Petersburg, Tomsk, Omsk, Barnaul,Angarsk. In 1992 – 1995 he had trips to Poland, where he presented his work several cities and towns. In 1993 Russian – German society invited him to Germany (Phorzheim, Kizelbronn), where he presented Siberian landscapes and still life works. Many of his works are in private collections of American, Japan, German, British, Korean, Polish citizens. The artist hopes to create new interesting works, using new themes and topics.

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